Portal News: December 2009 Archives

myUChicago: Ready, Set, GO!

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It’s official! As of Thursday, December 10th, myUChicago has launched to all University of Chicago students. The process began in mid-November with students in The College, and concluded just last week as we brought the last of the professional and graduate students online.

Content Updates

With the site up and running, we have already received a lot of great feedback and are working to implement some of your comments and suggestions. This includes adding links to sites not previously represented in the portal, updating missing or incorrect information, as well as taking new content requests to the stakeholders committee for review.

Upcoming Launches

While we are currently live with students, we want to remind faculty and staff that their versions of myUChicago are still in development and will be released to them in the coming months. Specifically, faculty will get access to the portal on February 3rd, 2010, and staff a few months later, on June 16th. There will be various communications from the Portal Project Team as we approach the target dates.

Finding Help

We know the answers aren’t always obvious. And we understand that many faculty and staff members are the first line of support for students who have access to myUChicago. A comprehensive help site has been developed to help you answer questions and troubleshoot issues that may arise, even before everyone has full access to the site.

Screen shots have also been created so faculty and staff can see firsthand what a student will see once logged into myUChicago.

If these resources don’t provide you the answers you’re looking for, [4-TECH] is always available to help troubleshoot problems, errors, and issues. They can be reached at 773-834-8324 or support@uchicago.edu.

If all else fails and you still have questions that need an answer, feel free to contact the Portal Project Team at portal@cticket.uchicago.edu.

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Portal News category from December 2009.

Portal News: October 2009 is the previous archive.

Portal News: January 2010 is the next archive.

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Portal News: December 2009: Monthly Archives

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