December 2010: November 2010 Archives

Deadline: 12/1/2010

Length: One year, renewable

Comments: Fellows study at their universities during the academic year and conduct a research project under the supervision of an academic mentor and in consultation with ETS research scientists or psychometricians. Selected fellows are invited to participate in the ETS Summer Internship Program. Applicants must be enrolled in a doctoral program, have completed all required coursework, and be working on a dissertation related to statistics, psychometrics, educational measurement or quantitative methods.

Each fellow's university receives the following:

  • $15,000 to pay a stipend to the fellow
  • $7,500 to defray the fellow's tuition, fees and work-study program commitments
  • A small grant for the purchase of equipment or software if needed to facilitate work on the fellow's research project (grant must be requested by the university)

Deadline: 12/15/2010

Length: One year

Comments: In order to encourage such scholars to consider college rather than university teaching, Kenyon College offers the Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship. The program is for scholars in the final stages of their doctoral work who need only to finish the dissertation to complete requirements for the Ph.D.

Kenyon will provide a stipend of $32,500, plus health benefits, housing, and a small moving allowance. The College will also provide some allowance to cover research, travel to conferences and professional expenses. The Fellow is expected to write the dissertation and to teach one course each semester, usually in the Fellow's general research area. Eligibility to apply for the Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship is limited to those meeting all of the following four criteria who are citizens or nationals of the United States:

  • Members of underrepresented groups (e.g., ethnic minorities; women in fields that attract mostly men, or men in fields that attract mostly women; and persons who are first-generation college attendees).
  • Individuals who are enrolled in a research-based Ph.D. program in one of the following fields: African and African American Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Art, Art History, Asian Studies, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Classics, Dance, Drama, Economics, English, Environmental Studies, History, Humanities, International Studies, Legal Studies, Mathematics, Modern Languages and Literature, Music, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Public Policy, Psychology, Religious Studies, Scientific Computing, Sociology, and Women's and Gender Studies.
  • Individuals who aspire to a teaching and research career.
Deadline: 12/1/2010

Length: Up to 9 months

Comments: This program is intended for doctoral students at accredited U.S. and Canadian four-year colleges and universities whose dissertations are related in substantial part to the study of Canada or Canada-U.S. relations. Candidates must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States and should have completed all doctoral requirements except the dissertation when they apply for a grant. Applicants are ineligible to receive the same grant in two consecutive years. Applicants may request funding up to US$10,000.

Deadline: 12/1/2010

Length: 6 or 12 months

Comments: The Scholars-in-Residence Program is designed to (1) encourage research and writing on the history, literature, and cultures of the peoples of Africa and the African diaspora, (2) to promote and facilitate interaction among the participants including fellows funded by other sources, and (3) to facilitate the dissemination of the researchers' findings through lectures, publications, and the ongoing Schomburg Center Colloquium and Seminar Series. Persons seeking support for research leading to degrees are not eligible under this program. Candidates for advanced degrees must have received the degree by December 1 of this year.

Note: This program does not fund dissertation research. Fellowships are awarded for continuous periods of six or twelve months at the Schomburg Center with maximum stipends of $30,000 for six months and $60,000 for twelve months.

Deadline: 12/1/2010

Length: 2 years

Comments: POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS for up to $100,000 over two years are awarded to investigators who have received a Ph.D., M.D., or other doctoral degree within the preceding six years and have not had more than three years of fellowship support. Fellows receive a progressive stipend of $42,000 in the first year and $46,000 in the second, with an institutional allowance of $6,000 per year.


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December 2010: November 2010: Monthly Archives

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