2011 Deadlines: December 2010 Archives
Deadline: February 4, 2011
Length: 1 year
Comments: "The fellow will take a leading role in a Sawyer Seminar titled "International Women's Human Rights: Paradigms, Paradoxes, and Possibilities"; must have earned JD or PhD in social sciences, humanities, or theological studies between September 16, 2006 and September 15, 2011
URL: http://higheredjobs.com/faculty/details.cfm?JobCode=175485320 (HigherEdJobs listing)
Length: 1 year
Comments: "The fellow will take a leading role in a Sawyer Seminar titled "International Women's Human Rights: Paradigms, Paradoxes, and Possibilities"; must have earned JD or PhD in social sciences, humanities, or theological studies between September 16, 2006 and September 15, 2011
URL: http://higheredjobs.com/faculty/details.cfm?JobCode=175485320 (HigherEdJobs listing)