March 2013: November 2012 Archives
Deadline: March 4, 2013
Length: 12 months
Eligibility Requirements: Open to Mexican and UC Scholars who have received their PhD's within the last 2 years. Stipend $39,264-$49,884, depending on qualifications and experience, plus benefits.
Program Description: Up to 18 fellowships support postdoctoral research which involves collaboration with a University of California, Mexican institution and/or scholars. Awards are tenable in the U.S. for Mexican postdoctoral scholars and in Mexico for UC postdoctoral scholars for a period of up to 12-months.
For More Information: UC MEXUS - Postdoctoral Fellowships Program
3324 Olmsted Hall University of California Riverside, CA 92521 USA Attn: Susana Hidalgo
(951) 827-4744