Internal: April 2011 Archives

Deadline: April 29, 2011

Length: Short-term

Comments: The Research Travel Grants will support dissertation research-related travel by advanced graduate students. Grants, up to a maximum of $2,500 but most smaller, will be awarded for academic year 2011-2012, beginning with the summer quarter. The awards are designed to help defray the costs of travel for students who have a specific research goal critical to their dissertations. Advanced students in any of the Social Sciences Ph.D. programs may apply. To be eligible for consideration, a student must have been admitted to Ph.D. candidacy by the tenure of the grant, and preferably by the time of application, and must complete the research project no later than May 1, 2012. Awards will be funded by the Overseas Research Travel Grant Fund, the Orin Williams Fund, the Agnes and Nathan Janco Travel Grant Fund and the Renck Memorial Award Fund. The Agnes and Nathan Janco Travel Grant is made possible by a gift from Joel Janco in honor of Agnes and Nathan Janco in recognition of their love of travel and exploration, their compassion for others, and implacable dedication to science and the arts. The Renck Memorial Award provides $1,000 for a student(s) in Anthropology, Human Development, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology who is engaging in qualitative research related to the media.


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