MAs Eligible: November 2010 Archives

Deadline: 1/3/11

Length: 12 months

Comments: The TIAA-CREF Ruth Simms Hamilton Research Fellowship was established to honor the memory and outstanding work of the late Dr. Ruth Simms Hamilton, the former Michigan State University professor and TIAA Trustee. Professor Hamilton served as a Trustee from 1989 to 2003 and during her 35-year career at Michigan State University, she was a highly regarded sociology professor and a faculty member of the African Studies Center, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and the Center for Advanced Study of International Development. She was an early pioneer of research concerning the African Diaspora, the dispersion and settlement of African people once they left Africa. Fellowships are awarded to one or more graduate students enrolled in a social science program at an accredited U.S. college or university and studying the African Diaspora. The fellowships are awarded based on evaluation of submissions by an objective panel of judges.

Deadline: January 10, 2011 Length: up to 5 months Comments: The Arts|Science Initiative, in collaboration with the Office of the Vice President for Research and for National Laboratories, is launching a pilot program of Arts|Science Graduate Collaboration Grants to encourage independent cross-disciplinary research between students in the arts and the sciences. Graduate students from areas such as art history, music, cinema and media studies, theater and performance, creative writing, or visual arts are encouraged to pair up with graduate students from astronomy and astrophysics, biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, geophysical sciences, math, physics, or statistics areas for joint creative projects. Each group may consists of two or more graduate students, with at least one in the arts and one from the sciences, who work together over the course of two quarters to investigate a subject from the perspectives offered by their disciplines. Projects will be conducted between January-May 2011, with a public presentation scheduled at the end of the academic year. The projects may take the form of a publishable paper, photographs, film, music score, performance, theater piece, or documented research experiment, etc. Proposals will be reviewed and selected in the fall quarter by a faculty jury comprised of members from the arts and the sciences. Projects may, but need not be, part of a larger MA/MFA or PhD or course research endeavor. Applicants must have an endorsement by a faculty member. The objective is to identify and encourage innovative interactions between students from sciences and the arts. The review process will be competitive and the proposals will be evaluated on the basis of a number of criteria, including cross-disciplinary innovation and scholarly risk-taking. Successful proposals may request up to $2,000 to cover costs for materials, use of media labs, computation facilities, and in some cases machine-shop time, as well as costs associated with the design, implementation, literary documentation, specific joint research travel, publication and/or presentation of the project. URL:
Deadline: 11/18/10

Length: One year, renewable

Comments: Open only to U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Eligibility Requirements: Under 40 years of age and holding at least a BA degree. Have an excellent command of English. Interest in Japan and have a functional command of the Japanese language. Must not have lived in Japan for more than 3 years out of the last 10 years. Stipends of 3,600,000 yen per year and travel expenses. One year employment in Japan as either a Coordinator of International Relations, assisting local government agencies carry out international activities, or an Assistant English Teacher in a public school. Renewed on an annual basis. Approximately 2,600 positions available.


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