MAs Eligible: August 2012 Archives

Deadline: September 28, 2012

Length: One Year

Comments: The University of Chicago is a nominating institution for applicants to the Luce Scholars Program. The program is aimed at a group of highly qualified young Americans in a variety of professional fields. It is unique among American-Asian exchanges in that it is intended for young leaders who have had no prior experience of Asia and who might not otherwise have an opportunity in the normal course of their careers to come to know Asia or their Asian counterparts. The program provides stipends and internships for fifteen to eighteen young Americans to live and work in Asia each year.

ELIGIBILITY: Candidates must be American citizens with at least a bachelor's degree, or who expect to receive one before they participate in the program. They must be in good health and under the age of 30. Each should have a clearly defined career interest, strong leadership ability, a high academic record, and a potential for professional accomplishment within a specific field. Any professional field (except Asian Studies and International Affairs) will be considered. The competition is also open to recipients of more advanced degrees who have not yet reached the age of 30.

Those wishing to apply must visit to fill out the application forms and submit them to the Center for East Asian Studies.


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