Research Grants: January 2011 Archives

Deadline: 3/1/2011

Length: One year

Comments: The UC White Mountain Research Station (WMRS) graduate student research awards provide up to $2,000 per year to support living and travel expenses to do thesis research based out of WMRS (i.e. in the White-Inyo Range, nearby eastern Sierra Nevada mountains and Owens Valley.  Living expenses may include room and board at WMRS and limited support for living in the field. Travel expenses may not include airfare. 

Applicants may be part of a faculty member's research project or team, but the project should be independent from that of the senior research worker.  University faculty members are intended to direct the research of the student, but it is expected that students will submit for publication a single- or senior-author manuscript from their WMRS-supported research with WMRS in the by-line. Awardees are expected to be in residence for some part of their research at the Station so they can interact with other researchers and students. Awardees are also strongly encouraged to participate in a public outreach activity to share their research at the annual WMRS open house or seminar.


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This page is a archive of entries in the Research Grants category from January 2011.

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