Scholastic Residence: September 2010 Archives

Deadline: December 10, 2010

Length: 4 days

Comments: The research symposium, supported by the United States Department of State (Title VIII Program), will bring American junior and senior scholars and members of the policy community together to examine and discuss gender and women's issues in Eastern Europe and Eurasia from multi-disciplinary perspectives. Junior scholars will be chosen based on a national competition to present their current research on the topic of the Symposium. Grants will be awarded to approximately ten junior scholars.  The Symposium is scheduled to take place April 5-8, 2011 in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area and will involve two full days of reviews of current research projects, roundtable discussions, and the development of policy recommendations.  Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be US citizens; Applicants must either be currently enrolled in an MA, MS, MBA, JD, or PhD program or have held a graduate degree for 10 years or less. Grant Provisions: Round-trip airfare (provided by IREX through its travel office) and/or surface transportation from anywhere in the United States to the symposium site;  Meals and accommodations for the duration of the symposium.

The Division of the Social Sciences will host a presentation on applying for a National Science Foundation predoctoral graduate research fellowship on Friday, September 24. We will talk about the submission process in detail and provide a host of tips and insights on what makes a strong NSF fellowship application.  A panel of current graduate students who hold NSF fellowships will also answer questions. Following the presentation, for those who wish it, we will set up working groups of 3 to 5 students for the purpose of going over ideas and drafts. The presentation will take place in Kent Hall, room 120, starting at 2:00.

Our students in Anthropology, Comparative Human Development, Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science, Economics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology are eligible.  The fellowship supports students in the early stages of graduate study. Our students have won this award while in their first year of study, and a few even in their second year. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.  The deadline for submission of an NSF application in the social science disciplines is November 15 or 19 (depending on field).  Here is the web site for the NSF if you don't already have it flagged:

If you are interested in the presentation on September 24, it would be useful if you would let Kelly Pollock know by emailing so that we can estimate the likely number of students who might attend.

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