Scholastic Residence: April 2011 Archives

Deadline: 5/20/11

Length:  8 months

Comments: The Women's Research & Education Institute (WREI) offers a fellowship program that places current or recent graduate students in the Washington, D.C., offices of Members of Congress and on House and Senate staffs. WREI Fellows work a minimum of 40 hours per week from January through August as legislative aides on public policy issues. Following a mandatory two-week orientation to Capitol Hill in January, Fellows meet once a week at issue seminars with women's advocates, activists, Congressional staff, researchers, and lobbyists. WREI expects to award at least five Fellowships for 2012, depending on funding. WREI Fellows receive a stipend of approximately $1,450 per month. An additional sum of up to $500 is provided for the purchase of health insurance with submission of a bill from a provider. WREI will also reimburse Fellows up to a maximum of $1,500 ($750 per semester) for the cost of tuition at their home institutions. Please note that WREI will not cover non-degree courses in Washington, DC, student fees, books, or non-tuition expenses.


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