UChicago Lab Students organize to "think globally, act locally"

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University of Chicago Laboratory High students joined with groups worldwide last Friday who formed the number 350 in pledging to cut their carbon footprint as part of the 350.org Global Work Party. "350" refers to the safe upper limit for carbon in the atmosphere.

"Take the Pledge!" Ditch the Water Bottles took place in Kenwood Mall after school on Friday, October 8th. Students, faculty, administration, and members of the Lab community took a pledge to stop using disposable plastic water bottles. Environmental club members, Peer Leaders, and student government hosted the event, and over 325 signatures were collected.  SAGE mugs were given to all who participated. 

More to come next week on additional 350 activities!

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This page contains a single entry by Katherine Anson published on October 15, 2010 8:12 PM.

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