Housing Information is Coming to myUChicago

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As we move forward in our development of myUChicago, we have received a lot of great feedback from our users—along with some very intriguing content requests. As a result, you will see several revisions as well as some new additions to myUChicago in the coming months.

One of the upcoming changes worthy of note is the inclusion of University Housing information. If you live in campus housing you will soon be able to see all of your housing related information in the Housing portlet. From address to roommates to meal plan information, it’s all in there: no more paper, no more waiting, no more hassle.

In line with this change, the Housing portlet will also be moved to the top left corner of the Services tab; if you’ve recently deleted the Housing portlet, and you live in University housing, you may want to add it back to your layout.

The new information will be available in late spring; but this is just the first of many changes being rolled out over the next several months, so stay tuned … you won’t be disappointed.



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This page contains a single entry by Chris Riedel published on April 21, 2010 6:19 PM.

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