July 2011: May 2011 Archives

Deadline: 7/31/2011

Length: 6-12 months

Comments: This fellowship is awarded to researchers and graduate students in Korean Studies and other persons professionally engaged in Korea-related activities who wish to have an opportunity to immerse themselves in Korean language by participating in a Korean language program at a university in Korea.

Grant pays:
1. Living expenses (monthly stipend)
  • Undergraduates, BA degree holders, MA candidates and MA degree holders: 1,000,000 won
  • PhD candidates and higher: 1,200,000 won

2. Settling-in allowance: 300,000 won (one-time benefit)

3. Tuition and fees for the Korean language program

  • Travel insurance

URL :http://www.kf.or.kr/

Deadline: July 1, 2011

Length: 28 days

The Dr. Guido Goldman Fellowship for the Study of German and European Politics, Political Economy, and International Affairs was established in 2003 to promote the study of German and European issues by American scholars in relatively early stages of their careers. Since reunification in 1990, Germany has realized greater significance as an economic and political powerhouse, both in Europe and on a global level. Because of its status as a reunited sovereign nation, a leading member of the European Union, and a key partner in NATO, understanding contemporary Germany is of great importance. American scholars, journalists, and analysts can play a role in addressing the key issues in Germany - and Europe as a whole. Topics that would fall under the rubric of the fellowship include the formulation of German economic and foreign policy and the evolution of U.S.-European relations. Fellows are required to develop research itineraries in consultation with the American Council on Germany. The Dr. Guido Goldman Fellowship award covers the cost of pre-approved international and domestic travel and a per diem of $200 for up to 28 days in Germany and elsewhere in Europe relevant to the research being conducted. Following the completion of the trip, fellows submit a report summarizing their findings. The fellowship program aims to serve academics in relatively early stages of their careers (including individuals enrolled in Ph.D. programs who are finishing their dissertation). All applicants must hold United States citizenship. Knowledge of the German language is not a prerequisite.

URL: http://www.acgusa.org/about2.php?pagename=Fellowships&subpagename=For+Scholars&toppagename=Goldman+Fellowships&mlinkid=27
Deadline: 7/15/2011

Length: Short-term


Research Grants are awarded twice annually and constitute the majority of the Foundation's grant program.

The Foundation exclusively funds research related specifically to human origins, including paleoanthropology, primate behavior, and studies of modern hunter-gatherer groups.

The majority of the Foundation's Research Grants to doctoral student are in the $3,000-$13,500 range; however, larger grants, especially to senior scientists and post-doctoral students, may be funded up to $22,000.

URL: http://leakeyfoundation.org/grants/applicants/applying_general_grants/

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