2012 Deadlines: April 2012 Archives

Deadline: April 30, 2012


Length: 1 year


Comments: The Human Rights Program seeks to support projects which will make a significant contribution to the field of human rights studies. Proposals are sought from graduate students from all the Divisions and professional schools.  Students graduating in June 2012 are not eligible to apply. Proposals should be for projects that can be carried out between Summer 2012 and Spring 2013. Grants will be made in the range of $1000 to $5000 for research by a graduate student to support her or his thesis project. While priority will be given to PhD students, applications are invited from MA and professional students. Grants may be used to support travel or for other research expenses, including expenses related to archival research and interviews, including recording devices.  However, applications to cover the cost of transcription of interviews are not encouraged.


Application Materials: Proposals should contain a statement of not more than 1000 words setting forth the purpose of the research and its relevance to Human Rights studies. Please include the C.V.s of the principal proponents of the research or conference initiative. Please include the list of faculty supervising the thesis or research project. Please include a tentative budget with a listing of support committed or requested from other sources.


Proposals are due by email to the Human Rights Research Committee c/o Sarah Patton Moberg, Program Manager, at spmoberg@uchicago.edu by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 30, 2012.  


URL: http://humanrights.uchicago.edu/

CSRPC is now accepting applications for the following:

CSRPC Dissertation Fellowship 2012-2013
The Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture at the University of Chicago invites applications for the 2012-2013 Dissertation Fellowship, which begins October 1, 2012 and ends June 30, 2013.  Qualified Ph.D. candidates at the University of Chicago from all disciplines are encouraged to apply. 

Description: The goal of the fellowship is to enable an outstanding doctoral student interested in the study of race and ethnicity to devote his or her full energies to the completion of the dissertation.  The fellowship carries a stipend of $21,000 for the academic year, a $1000 travel and research budget, and will cover advanced residence tuition, fees, and basic university student health insurance, if needed.  The successful applicant will be provided with an office and use of a computer at the Center.  The fellow will be expected to be in residence during the award year, present his or her work at one of the Reproduction of Race and Racial Ideologies Workshop meetings and to actively participate in the workshop and other activities sponsored by the Race Center. 

CSRPC Graduate Research and Travel Grants2012-2013

The Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture at the University of Chicago invites applications for Graduate Research and Travel Grants for the academic year 2012-2013. Qualified graduate students at the University of Chicago from all disciplines are encouraged to apply. 

Grant Description: The goal of the grant is to support the research efforts of outstanding graduate students interested in the study of race and ethnicity. The grant may only be used for expenses associated with a clearly defined research project. Activities that will be considered for funding include, but are not limited to, travel-related expenses (transportation and lodging) associated with field or primary archival research, transcription costs, duplication services, or the acquisition of data sets for quantitative analysis. Preference will be given to dissertation-related research, however, other projects will also be considered. Grants of up to $2,500 will be awarded to successful candidates.

Eligibility: Open to University of Chicago graduate or professional students in good standing.

Call for proposals for 2012-2013 courses

The College and the Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture is calling for applications by advanced graduate students to teach one undergraduate course of their own design on topics related to race and ethnic studies. Courses in any related topic or thematic may be proposed. The Center is especially interested in courses that posit race and processes of racialization in comparative and transnational frameworks; highlight the intersection of race and ethnicity with other identities (gender, class, sexuality and nationality); and/or interrogate social and identity cleavages within racialized communities.
Eligibility: Advanced graduate students (Ph.D. candidates with at least one chapter of the dissertation written) in any discipline at the University of Chicago are encouraged to apply.
Visit our website for details http://csrpc.uchicago.edu


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This page is a archive of entries in the 2012 Deadlines category from April 2012.

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