UCLA Center for Society and Genetics Postdoctoral Fellowship
Deadline: February 1, 2012
Eligibility Requirements: Predoctoral students. Expected to help organize and participate in the Center colloquium series, interact with faculty, other postdocs and graduate fellows, and teach 2 seminars per year. Stipend Salary will be determined based on experience and percent time of the position.
Program Description : The UCLA Center for Society and Genetics announces up to four postdoctoral fellowships for recent PhD's whose scholarly area contributes to the center, which seeks to provide direction to the co-evolution of science and humanity by promoting innovative and socially relevant research and education.
For More Information: UCLA Center for Society and Genetics Postdoctoral Fellowships Box 957221 1323 Rolfe Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095-7221
(310) 267-4990
*All Funding Opportunities , 2012 Deadlines , February 20120 TrackBacks
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