Hewlett Foundation/Institute of International Education (IIE) Dissertation Fellowship
Deadline: March 11, 2013
Length: 2 years
Comments: The Hewlett/IIE Dissertation Fellowship in Population, Reproductive Health, and Economic Development provides both financial and research development support for dissertations on topics that examine how population dynamics and family planning, and reproductive health influence economic development. This can include economic growth, poverty reduction, and equity. Dissertations that address population and development issues pertinent to the African continent are especially encouraged. Students must have completed their graduate coursework by the start of the fellowship, and must be studying at a university in sub-Saharan Africa, the US, or Canada. Maximum of $20,000 per year (depending on tuition, research expenses, and cost of living) for a total of two years to cover expenses incurred while working on their dissertation.
*All Funding Opportunities , 2013 Deadlines , March 20130 TrackBacks
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