Michael and Ling Markovitz Dissertation Fellowship

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Deadline: 4/15/2013 to the Dean of Students office, earlier to the department

Length: One year

The Markovitz Dissertation Fellowship provides up to two annual awards for dissertation write-up in the amount of $23,000 (plus tuition, required fees, and university student health insurance) to a student whose dissertation topic explores some aspect of the linkages and influences between social and economic behavior. The research should consider from a disciplinary perspective the connection between the social/cultural and commercial spheres of life. Ph.D. candidates in any of the Social Sciences programs are eligible. Each department should determine its own internal deadline and review procedure, and submit one nomination by April 15, 2013.

Application Materials

1. SSD Dissertation Year Fellowship Application Form (available online at: https://socialsciences.uchicago.edu/about/dean-of-students#forms).

2. Letter of Recommendation from the dissertation supervisor, which includes an assessment of progress to date.

3. Statement from the applicant (of no more than four pages, single-spaced) that describes the dissertation project and its relevance to the purpose of the fellowship.

4. A status report and timetable for the completion of the dissertation.

5. The Dean of Students will provide a transcript upon receipt of the nomination packet.

Criteria for the Award

1. Significance and quality of the dissertation project and appropriateness of the research to the intent of the fellowship.

2. Prospect of completion of the dissertation by the end of the fellowship tenure.

3. Inclination to share the fellowship over years across disciplines.

Conditions of Award

1. Students must have been admitted to candidacy at the time of application.

2. Markovitz fellows may not engage in any remunerative activity, including teaching, either on or off campus while holding the award.

3. Fellowships will be awarded for the 2013-2014 academic year.

4. Markovitz fellows who do not complete their degrees within six months of completion of their fellowships are ineligible for further internal University funding from any source, including the tuition grant associated with teaching assignments.

5. For students pursuing joint programs, eligibility is through the home department only.

Departments set deadlines and procedures individually. Nominations due in the Office of the Dean of Students by April 15, 2013.

Questions may be directed to Kelly Therese Pollock, Office of the Dean of Students in the Social Sciences, at kpollock@uchicago.edu or at 795-3238.


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This page contains a single entry by Brett Baker published on March 1, 2013 4:37 PM.

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