*All Funding Opportunities: October 2012 Archives
Length: One year
Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one year of advanced level language study in East or Southeast Asia in approved language programs.
To be eligible for a Blakemore Freeman Fellowship, an applicant must:
Be pursuing an academic, professional or business career that involves the regular use of a modern East or Southeast Asian language
Have a college undergraduate degree
Be at or near an advanced level in the language as defined in the grant guidelines (Minimum requirement is 3 years of study of the language at college level or equivalent fluency)
Able to devote oneself exclusively to full-time language study during the term of the grant. Grants are not made for part-time study or research.
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States
URL: http://www.blakemorefoundation.org/
Length: Up to two years
Comments: Lilly Fellowships are two-year residential fellowships for teacher-scholars who seek to renew and enrich their intellectual and spiritual lives while preparing for leadership roles at church-related institutions of higher learning. Each academic year, three Fellows are appointed for two-year periods. Fellows are selected from applicants who evince an interest in the relationship between Christianity and the academic vocation and are considering a career at church-related colleges or universities. Fellows are in residence at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana.
Lilly Fellows are appointed for two years at a rank equivalent to that of instructor. Starting salary for 2013-2015 will be $46,000 plus standard benefits, a moving allowance, and an annual professional and travel allowance. Fellows are expected to be in local residence throughout the two-year term of their appointments.
For appointments beginning in the academic year 2013-2015, an applicant must have received the PhD, DMA, DFA, MFA, or equivalent terminal degree no earlier than December 2011. The degree must be completed by August 2013.URL: http://www.lillyfellows.org/PostDoctoralFellowsProgram.aspx
experience and previous salary).
Length: 3-4 weeks
Comments: Scholarships are awarded to students pursuing full-time study at Canadian or US colleges or universities. There are no restrictions as to field of study, but applicants must have attained at least sophomore standing (10 full-course credits for Canadians) at the time of application. As a rule, applicants must be citizens of Canada or the US. International students may be eligible to apply if they have been full-time students at an American or Canadian university for at least one year at the time of application. Applicants must have completed a minimum of four semesters of college German (or have obtained an equivalent level of language proficiency elsewhere) in order to be able to participate in group projects and follow lectures in German. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of their academic record and statements of projected academic and professional future. Demonstrated interest in Germany and Europe and/or the need to learn the German language for professional or academic purposes will also be taken into consideration.
Scholarships are available for courses lasting a minimum of three weeks. The scholarship is approximately €850, which covers tuition, room and board in whole or in part. Accommodations are arranged by the host institution. In addition, DAAD will provide an international travel subsidy of €300-450. Scholarship recipients are expected to devote their full attention to the course and may not concurrently undertake individual research. A written report is requested within four weeks of the end of the course.
URL: http://www.daad.org/?p=51551
Length: 8-12 months
Approximately twenty graduate internship positions are funded each year. Internships are open to students of all nationalities. Applicants must be:
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URL: http://www.getty.edu/foundation/funding/leaders/current/grad_internships.html
Length: Up to a year
Comments:The Virginia Foundation for the Humanities offers residential fellowships to scholars and writers in the humanities. We seek applications that are intellectually stimulating, imaginative, and accessible to the public. There are no restrictions on topic, and applications are invited from across the broad spectrum of the humanities.
Fellowships are open to faculty members in the humanities, independent scholars, and others working on projects in the humanities. Applicants need not have advanced degrees, but the VFH generally does not support work toward a degree. Postdoctoral applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for projects other than dissertation revisions. The maximum fellowship stipend is $15,000 per semester. Fellowships are awarded for one semester or a full academic year.
URL: http://www.virginiafoundation.org/research/fellowships/
Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship
Length: 1-12 months (ABDs); 12-24 months (post-docs)
Comments: The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship Program provides recent PhD recipients and ABDs (please see program eligibility requirements) with opportunities to conduct research in Japan under the leadership of a host researcher. Fellows are encouraged to advance their own research and at the same time closely collaborate with young Japanese researchers and contribute to Japanese research communities. Projects must include work with colleagues and resources in Japan and propose a single, continuous stay in Japan from 1 to 12 months (short-term) or 1 to 2 years (long-term). Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents at the time of application and submit proof of affiliation with an eligible host research institution in Japan as part of the application packet. Applicants for 12-24 month (long-term) fellowships must submit a copy of a Ph.D. diploma from a university outside Japan dated no more than six years prior to April 1, 2013. Applicants for 1-12 month (short-term) fellowships must submit a copy of a Ph.D. diploma from a university outside Japan dated no more than six years prior to April 1, 2013 or a letter from their institution stating that the applicant is a Ph.D. candidate within two years of receiving a Ph.D.
URL: http://www.ssrc.org/fellowships/jsps-fellowship/
Length: 2 years
Comments: Provided by donations from friends of Grant Notley, matched by the Province of Alberta.Valued at $46,000 per year for two years.Available for research in politics, history, economy or society of Western Canada or related fields. One fellowship awarded each year. Includes a one-time $4,000 travel/research grant.Covers the cost of the University Postdoc Supplemental Health Insurance Plan.
Length: one year
Comments:The Leifur Eiríksson Foundation funds scholars from U.S. universities for graduate research or study at universities in Iceland, and scholars from universities in Iceland to conduct research or study at universities in the United States. Recipients are chosen by the Foundation's Board of Trustees. Up to $25,000 in project costs, including travel to and from the research or study site will be paid on the scholar's behalf.
URL: http://www.leifureirikssonfoundation.org/scholarship/
Length: 3 yrs.
Comments: This is a full-time, three-year position with competitive salary and benefits that is normally three years in duration. Fellows will pursue their own research agenda, but will also work closely with AEI's resident scholars to develop their skills as public academics. At the end of three years, fellows may be considered for full-time placement at AEI as resident scholars. Must be a engaged in dissertation research or be a recent PhD graduate. Priority is given to applicants whose research interests match those of a resident AEI Scholar.Competitive stipends and benefits offered to all fellows.
Length: Up to 12 months
Comments: IAF's Fellowships provide support for Ph.D. candidates to conduct dissertation research in Latin America and the Caribbean on topics related to grassroots development. Funding is for up to 12 months. The Inter-American Foundation expects to award up to 15 Doctoral Field Research Fellowships in 2011. Research during the 2013-2014 cycle must be initiated between June 1, 2013 and May 31, 2014. URL: http://www.iie.org/Programs/IAF-Grassroots-Development-Fellowship-Program
Length: One year
Comments: Dumbarton Oaks offers residential fellowships in three areas of study: Byzantine Studies, Pre-Columbian Studies, and Garden and Landscape Studies. Fellowships are normally awarded for the academic year in which during this time recipients are expected to be in residence at Dumbarton Oaks and devote full time to their study projects without undertaking any other major activities. Fellowships are not renewable and may not be extended. Support includes a stipend of $15,500 for a Junior Fellow (finishing a dissertation) or $28,000 for a Post-Doctoral Fellow for the full academic year.
URL: www.doaks.org
Length: short-term
Comments: Awards given to promote and support research in the Rockefeller Archive Center. Grants may be used toward round-trip travel to the Center, lodging in the area and related expenses. Award of up to $5,000 for applicants from the U.S. and Canada. Awards of up to $4,000 for applicants from outside the U.S. and Canada. Must contact archivist at the Center before completing application.
URL: http://www.rockarch.org/grants/
Length: 2 years
Comments: Provided annually from the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies established through a bequest from the late Dorothy J Killam. Valued at $46,000 per year for two years. Available for most fields of study. Approximately 4 fellowships are awarded for postdoctoral research at the University of Alberta. Includes a one-time $4,000 travel/research grant. Covers the cost of the University Postdoc Supplemental Health Insurance Plan.
URL: http://www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca/killam/izaakpostdoc.htm
Length: 2 years
Comments: The Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies at the University of Virginia invites scholars whose work focuses on Africa and/or the African Diaspora to apply for a two-year post-doctoral research and teaching fellowship, beginning August 25, 2013, and ending August 24, 2015. The fellowship carries an annual salary of $45,000, plus benefits.
The fellowship is open to qualified candidates without restriction as to citizenship or current residence. Applicants for the post-doctoral fellowship must have been awarded their Ph.D. by the time of application or furnish proof from the relevant registrar that all documentation required for the Ph.D. has been submitted by July 15, 2013. Post doctoral applicants must have been awarded their Ph.D. no earlier than 2007. Please note: Individuals may not apply for the Woodson pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships at the same time.
URL: http://artsandsciences.virginia.edu/woodson/fellowship/postdoc.htmlLength: 2 yrs.
Comments: Two-year residential fellowships at Columbia University support outstanding postdoctoral scholars who are interested in pursuing research on sustainable development, including reducing poverty, hunger, disease, and environmental degradation.Fellows must receive their PhD prior to beginning their appointment.Award amount is approximately $48,000. Plus a $12,000 research allowance for the two year appointment.
URL: http://www.earth.columbia.edu/articles/view/55
Length: 2 yrs.
Comments: Six two-year research fellowships for advanced graduate students to pursue doctoral research in art history and archeology in Turkey. Research for a shorter period of time is also possible. Candidates must be nominated by their academic department. Each university is limited to two nominees per academic department. The nominees must be applying for different research centers. Applicants must have fulfilled all preliminary requirements for the doctorate except the dissertation by June and before beginning any ARIT-sponsored research. 25,000 as fellowship stipend and 5,000 goes toward the host institution's administrative costs
URL: http://www.kressfoundation.org/fellowships/institutional/
Length: 2 months to 1 year
Comments: The American Research Institute in Turkey will offer ARIT fellowships for research in Turkey for the academic year 2013-2014. Post-doctoral and dissertation research fellowships may be held for terms of two months to one year. Stipends generally range from $2500-$15,500. Applicants must be affiliated with U.S. or Canadian institutions. Scholars and advanced graduate students engaged in research on ancient, medieval, or modern times in Turkey, in any field of the humanities and social sciences, are eligible. Student applicants must have fulfilled all requirements for the doctorate except the dissertation by June 2013, and before beginning any ARIT-sponsored research. ARIT fellowship applicants are responsible for obtaining the appropriate research permissions and visas.
URL: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/ARIT/ARITFellowships.html
Length: 2 yr.
Deadline: Two-year fellowships support postdoctoral scholars who are rewriting their dissertations for publication and whose research complements the programs and resources of the institute. Fellows are expected to be in residence at the Getty Research Institute.PhD must have been awarded within the last 6 years. Special consideration given to candidates whose work relates to current year's academic theme.Stipend is $30,000 per academic year plus housing subsidy, office space, research assistance, travel funds, and health benefits.
URL: http://www.getty.edu/foundation/funding/residential/getty_pre_postdoctoral_fellowships.html
Length: One year
Comments: Awards for minority postdoctoral fellows in under-represented graduate and professional areas to pursue an individualized research program and actively participate in research and teaching at the University of Kentucky. Fellowships are available for up to two years. The initial appointment is for 12 months, but recipients may apply for a second year. Stipend of $35,000 for one year, plus $5,000 for support of research activities.
URL: http://www.research.uky.edu/vpresearch/guide/lyman_fellowship.html
Length: one year
Comments: The American Council of Learned Societies offers support for writing dissertations in East European studies in all disciplines of the humanities and the social sciences.Funding is offered for two types of support:
- Research Fellowships for use in Eastern Europe to conduct fieldwork or archival investigations.
- Writing Fellowships for use outside of Eastern Europe, after all research is complete, to write the dissertation.
Applications should be for work on Eastern Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo/a, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Applicants may propose comparative work considering more than one country of Eastern Europe or relating East European societies of those of other parts of the world.
Fellowships will be granted on the basis of the scholarly potential of the applicant, the quality and scholarly importance of the proposed work, and its importance to the development of scholarship on Eastern Europe. ACLS selection committees consider language competence essential to research. Therefore, applicants will be asked to describe their command of the language(s) required for their proposed projects.
The stipend will be up to $18,000. As a condition of the award, the
applicant's home university will be required (consistent with its
policies and regulations) to provide or to waive normal academic year
tuition payments or to provide alternative cost-sharing support.
Length: 12 months
Comments: Several fellowships offered for postdoctoral research leave, dissertation research, and summer/short-term research publication. Fellowships are awarded for one academic year (12 months) and are not renewable.If applying for postdoctoral fellowship, must earn a doctoral degree by application deadline. Dissertation fellows must have completed course work, examinations and plan to use the fellowship for dissertation write up. There are no restrictions as to place of study or age of applicant. Open only to women.$30,000 -postdoctoral research leave fellowship. $20,000 -dissertation fellowship. $6,000 -summer/short-term research publication grant.
URL: http://www.aauw.org/learn/fellowships_grants/american.cfm
Length: up to 11 months
Comments: These Fellowships are open to doctoral candidates to pursue their dissertation research in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. Awards are available for periods of up to eleven months.
URL: http://khmerstudies.org/fellowships/
Length: 2 yrs.
Comments: Two-year postdoctoral fellowships, plus mentorship and guidance, to prepare minority scholars for careers in university teaching and research.Program seeks members of minority groups underrepresented in American universities, however all qualified applicants will be considered. Open to scholars that received a doctorate within the past 3 years, or are about to complete a doctorate. Award of $41,496 for 2013-2014 academic year, plus benefits.
Length: 3-12 months
Comments: Several resident research fellowships of 3-12 months are offered to doctoral and postdoctoral scholars in art history. Preference will be given to U.S. citizens under the age of forty. Research projects should relate to the museum's collections.Stipend amounts of $42,000 for senior fellows and $32,000 for pre-doctoral fellows, with up to an additional $6,000 for travel.
URL: http://www.metmuseum.org/en/research/internships-and-fellowships/fellow
Length: 2 to 12 months
Comments: Approximately 5 research fellowships are offered to postdoctoral scholars, researchers, and professionals who wish to conduct research in Japan for periods ranging from 2 to 12 months. At present, funds available for the Research Fellowship Program are significantly constrained; applicants are encouraged to propose shorter periods of research. Priority will be given to relatively junior scholars and researchers, and to those with less research experience in Japan. Applicants must have successfully defended their dissertations prior to the time of application. Should have sufficient proficiency in Japanese to pursue research. Preference is given to scholars with letters of affiliation from Japanese Institutions. Projects must be related in substantial part to Japan. Includes a monthly stipend of Y370,000 or Y430,000 plus travel expenses,enrollment fees, insurance, and allowances for settling-in, research, and dependents.
URL: http://www.jfny.org/japanese_studies/fellowship.html
Length: Up to 3 months for MA students; up to 9 months for PhD students
Comments: Applicants to the IARO program can propose to do research in up to three countries for up to nine months. As part of the IARO fellowship, participants are provided with visa assistance, international roundtrip transportation, a monthly allowance for housing and living expenses, as well as emergency evacuation insurance. IARO fellows also have access to resources available in any of IREX's field offices.
Eligible Countries of Research: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
Deadline: November 15, 2012 11:59PM
Length: One Year
Comments: The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or
religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences,
and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete
their dissertation work in a timely manner. The Newcombe Fellows will receive $25,000 for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing. At least 21 non-renewable fellowships will be awarded to candidates selected from among more than 500 applicants. Graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition for Newcombe Fellows.
Applicants for the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship must:
- be candidates for Ph.D. or Th.D. degrees in an American doctoral program at a graduate school located in the United States. Candidates working on D.Min., law, Psy.D., and other professional degrees are not eligible.
- have all pre-dissertation requirements fulfilled by the application deadline November 15, 2012, including approval of the dissertation proposal
- be in the writing stage of the dissertation. Usually, this means that fieldwork or other research is complete and writing has begun by the time of the award.
- must expect to complete the dissertation during the tenure of the award and submit completed dissertations by August 2014.
- have never held a similar national award for the final year of dissertation writing. Applicants who have won such awards as the ACLS, AAUW, Ford, MacArthur, Mellon, Pew, Spencer, or Whiting fellowship are not eligible.
- plan to write on topics where ethical or religious values are a central concern.
- have never applied for the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship before. Previous applicants may not apply.
Length: 3 months
Comments: Research residencies up to 3 months for scholars or students in graduate-level, post-doctoral, or independent research. Use of special collections for fellowship-supported research. Stipend ranging from $500-$2,500.
URL: http://www.library.ucla.edu/special/james-sylvia-thayer-research-fellowships
Length: 1 yr.
Comments: About twenty fellowships offered for postdoctoral scholars to conduct independent research related to societies and social change at Princeton University. The institute designates a research theme for each year and 1/3 of the award offers are for fellows pursuing work related to it. Visit the institutes site for this year's theme. Appointments are for one year. Must have completed doctorate or equivalent by the application deadline.Competitive stipends and benefits offered to all fellows. Up to a maximum of $65,000.
URL: http://www.sss.ias.edu/applications
Length: 9 months
The School for Advanced Research (SAR) awards approximately six Resident Scholar Fellowships each year to scholars who have completed their research and analysis and who need time to think and write about topics important to the understanding of humankind. Resident scholars (PhD candidates and post-doctoral scholars) may approach their research from anthropology or from related fields such as history, sociology, art, and philosophy. Both humanistically and scientifically oriented scholars are encouraged to apply. SAR provides Resident Scholars with low-cost housing and office space on campus, a stipend up to $40,000, library assistance, and other benefits during a nine-month tenure, from September 1 through May 31. A six-month fellowship is also available for a female scholar from a developing nation, whose research promotes women's empowerment. SAR Press may consider books written by resident scholars for publication in its Resident Scholar Series.
URL: http://sarweb.org/index.php?resident_scholars
Length: 1 yr.
Comments: Program offers 15-20 fellowships for recent postdocs committed to careers in university teaching and research. Fellows conduct research under faculty sponsorship at any of the UC campuses or laboratories. Awards are for 1 year, renewable.Must hold a PhD or expect to receive one by July. Stipends ranging from $40,000 to $50,000 depending on field and experience.
Length: Short-term
Comments: The LBI announces the availability of one or more fellowship per year for students enrolled in a Ph.D. program at an accredited institution of higher education. The fellowships provide financial assistance to scholars whose research projects are connected with the culture and history of German-speaking Jewry. The fellowship(s) consists of an award, not exceeding $ 3000--, to be determined according to the requirements of the project. The fellowship should be used by the end of the year in which it was granted. Support for travel or family members is not available.
URL: http://www.lbi.org/about/fellowships/fritz-halbers-fellowship/
Length: 2-9 months
Comments: AISLS fellowships support two to nine months of research in Sri Lanka by US citizens who already hold a PhD or the equivalent at the time they begin their fellowship tenure. Both scholars with little or no experience in Sri Lanka as well as specialists are encouraged to apply. Fellowship Benefits: A stipend of $3,000/month, for a period of two to nine months; Reimbursement for roundtrip airfare between the United States and Colombo, for an amount up to $2000; A limited budget for research expenses, to be negotiated according to need and funding limitations. Fellows will be required to provide documentation for these expenses.
URL: http://www.aisls.org/fellowship-directions.html
Length: Up to 3 years
Comments: Number of awards varies. Fellowships are awarded yearly to Christians pursuing graduate study at top rated universities, in fields of study where Christians are generally underrepresented. Graduate programs must be among the top 5 for a particular specialty. Awards are tenable in the U.S. and abroad. Renewable for up to a total of 3 years. Open to Christians who demonstrate leadership potential and the desire to integrate their faith with all spheres of life. PhD applicants must submit a recommendation letter from their primary advisor.Initial stipend of $16,000.
URL: http://msfdn.org/harveyfellows/overview/
Length: 10-12 months
Comments: Up to 12 dissertation and postdoctoral fellowships to encourage comparative and interdisciplinary study of economic, political, and social aspects of modern and contemporary German and European affairs. Awards are for 10 to 12 months. Dissertation applicants must have completed all course work and exams. Postdoctoral applicants must have received a PhD within the last 2 years. Stipends are EUR 1100 per month for fellows working on dissertation and EUR 1400 per month for fellows working on postdoctoral research. In addition, fellows receive EUR 130 per month for each accompanying child and EUR 130 per month for spouse.
URL: http://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/en/bprogram/
Length: 4-12 months
Comments: The American Statistical Association administers the ASA/NSF Research Fellowship Programs, with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and four federal statistical agencies: the US Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The General objective of the program is to foster collaborative and interdisciplinary activities that will stimulate the development of methodology and analytic research relevant to the sponsoring Federal agencies. The duration of the fellowships are usually between 4 to 12 months depending on the center. Please consult the program for possible renewals to appointments.
URL: http://www.amstat.org/careers/fellowshipsgrants.cfm
Length: Up to a year
Comments: The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers fellowships (up to $23,000) and grants (normally $5,000) to individuals to pursue research or study in one or more Scandinavian country for up to one year. The number of awards varies each year according to total funds available. Over $300,000 is available for the 2013-14 competition. Awards are made in all fields. Applicants must have a well-defined research or study project that makes a stay in Scandinavia essential.Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents. Grants are considered especially suitable for post-graduate scholars, professionals, and candidates in the arts to carry out research or study visits of one to three months duration.Fellowships are intended to support a year-long stay. Priority is given to candidates at the graduate level for dissertation-related study or research.The awards support project-related costs, including maintenance, trans- Atlantic round-trip travel, in-country travel, tuition and fees (where applicable) and materials expenditures (e.g., books, photocopying, art supplies).
URL: http://www.amscan.org/study_scandinavia_details.html
Length: 3-12 months
Comments: Two fellowships in New York or one six-month or two three-month graduate fellowships are available for research in Germany for doctoral dissertation or postdoctoral research on the social, communal, or intellectual history of German-speaking Jewry. The LBI and the DAAD offer fellowships both at the LBI New York as well as in the Federal Republic of Germany. Open to doctoral students and recent postdoctoral scholars affiliated with an accredited American institution of higher education. Postdoctoral scholars are expected to produce a manuscript or book on their research.Stipend of $2,000 for fellowships in New York and a monthly stipend of up to EUR 975.00 available for fellowships in Germany. Support for family members is not available.
URL: http://www.lbi.org/about/fellowships/lbidaad-fellowships/
Length: 3 yrs.
Comments: The program aims to attract talented students in the world to pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong institutions. About 135 awards for 2013/2014. For further information, contact each of the 8 institutions separately: City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and The University of Hong Kong.UGC-funded institutions determine the eligibility requirements of their respective PhD programs. Interested parties should consult the on eligibility. A monthly stipend of HK$20,000 (approximately US$2,600) and a conference and research related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year.
URL: http://www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd
Deadline: November 15, 2012
Length: Two Years
Comments: The Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowships at Williams College are designed to promote diversity on college faculties by encouraging students from underrepresented groups to complete a terminal graduate degree and to pursue careers in college teaching. The Bolin Fellowships are two-year residencies at Williams, and up to three scholars or artists are appointed each year. The Bolin Fellowships are awarded to applicants from underrepresented groups, including ethnic minorities, those who are first-generation college graduates, women in predominantly male fields, or disabled scholars. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who intend to pursue a professorial career in the U.S. PhD candidates must have completed all doctoral work except the dissertation by the end of the current academic year. The annual stipend for the position is $36,000.
URL: http://dean-faculty.williams.edu/prospective-faculty/graduate-fellowships/
Length: 1-2 yrs.
Comments: International Fellowships will be awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported. Up to five fellowships are renewable for a second year.Must hold the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree. Applicants must intend to return to home countries after graduation. Preference is given to applicants who show prior commitment to the advancement of women and girls. Open only to women.Yearly stipend of $18,000 for Master's/First Professional Degree Fellowship, $20,000 for the Doctoral Fellowship, $30,000 for Post-doctral Fellowship.Yearly stipend of $18,000 for Master's/First Professional Degree Fellowship, $20,000 for the Doctoral Fellowship, $30,000 for Post-doctral Fellowship.
URL: http://www.aauw.org/learn/fellowships_grants/international.cfm
Length: Short-term
Since 1933, the American Philosophical Society has awarded small grants to scholars in order to support the cost of research leading to publication in all areas of knowledge. In 2011-2012 the Franklin Research Grants program awarded nearly $380,000 to 77 scholars, and the Society expects to make a similar number of awards in this year's competition. The Franklin program is particularly designed to help meet the costs of travel to libraries and archives for research purposes; the purchase of microfilm, photocopies, or equivalent research materials; the costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses.
URL: http://www.amphilsoc.org/grants/franklinDeadline: December 14, 2012
Length: Up to 12 months
Comments: Up
to 4 grants for dissertation research in the field of Jewish studies. Occasionally
grants are awarded to students in other field which are related to Jewish
scholarship. Open to U.S. citizens or permanent residents who have
completed all requirements except for the doctoral dissertation, and who have
proficiency in a Jewish language. The Fellowship provides a $16,000
Deadline: November 19, 2012 Supplementary Materials Deadline January 9, 2013
Length: One Year
Comments: Dissertation fellowships will be awarded in a national competition administered by the National Research Council (NRC) on behalf of the Ford Foundation. The awards will be made to individuals who, in the judgment of the review panels, have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level, show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Verification of Doctoral Degree Candidacy
- A valid National Academies Verification of Doctoral Degree Candidacy Form, signed by the adviser or other authorized official, must be received by the Fellowships Office of the National Academies by January 9, 2013 to confirm that an applicant has advanced to doctoral candidacy.
- Applicants should expect to complete the dissertation during the 2013-2014 academic year, but no later than fall 2014.
Stipend and Benefits
- One-year stipend: $21,000
- Expenses paid to attend one Conference of Ford Fellows
- Access to Ford Fellow Regional Liaisons, a network of former Ford Fellows who have volunteered to provide mentoring and support to current fellows.
URL: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/FordFellowships/PGA_047959
Length: 2-3 yrs.
Comments: Up to four fellowships awarded to highly promising scholars-teachers in the humanities. Two year award with department affiliation, limited teaching duties, and opportunity for scholarly work. The award may be renewed for a third year. In addition to the stipend of $62,000, fellows are eligible for a full package of employee benefits, and are also provided with a research account to fund research-related expenses. Must have received PhD within the time frame: January 1, 2010 and June 30, 2013. In addition to doctoral students, those currently serving as Assistant Professors, Lecturers, or postdoctorates in other programs are welcome to apply.
URL: http://fellows.stanford.edu/
Length: 2-3 years
Comments: EPA's STAR graduate fellowship program supports master's and doctoral candidates in environmental studies. Each year, students in the United States compete for STAR fellowships through a rigorous review process. Students can pursue degrees in traditionally recognized environmental disciplines as well as other fields such as social anthropology, urban and regional planning, and decision sciences. Since the program began in 1995, EPA has awarded approximately 1,500 STAR fellowships to students in every state and most territories. Fellowships have helped educate new academic researchers, government scientists, science teachers, and, environmental engineers.STAR fellowships are intended to help defray the ever-increasing costs associated with studies leading to advanced degrees in environmental sciences. The actual amount awarded per year will vary depending on the amount of tuition and fees and the number of months the stipend is needed.
Benefits of an EPA STAR Fellowship include: Up to $42,000 per year of support, including $12,000 per year for tuition and fees, $25,000 per year in a monthly stipend, and an annual expense allowance of $5,000. Master's level students can receive support for a maximum of two years. Doctoral students can be supported for a maximum of three years with funding available, under certain circumstances, over a period of four years.Students enrolled more than 2 years in a master's program or 3 years in a doctoral program are not eligible. Women, minorities, and disabled students are encouraged to apply.
URL: http://www.epa.gov/ncer/fellow/· Smithsonian/CIC Fellowship announcement from GSA (attached)
· Smithsonian/CIC Fellowship Program Guide
Deadline: November 9, 2012
Length: One Year, renewable for a second year
Comments: The purpose of The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans is to provide opportunities for continuing generations of able and accomplished New Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. The Fellowships are grants for up to two years of graduate study in the United States. Each year the Fellow receives a maintenance grant of $25,000 (paid in two installments) and a tuition grant of one-half the tuition cost of the US graduate program attended by the Fellow (up to a maximum of $20,000 per academic year). The Fellowship Program pays the tuition grant directly to the institution. A New American is an individual who (1) is a resident alien, i.e., holds a Green Card; or, (2) has been naturalized as a US citizen, or (3) is the child of a US naturalized parent (other parent cannot be US born). You may not be older than 31 as of November 9, 2012. You must be a senior in college or a holder of a bachelor's degree or at present enrolled in a graduate program. Individuals who are in the third, or subsequent, year of study in the same graduate program are not, however, eligible for this competition.
Length: 1 yr.
Comments: The Visiting Scholars Program (VSP) is an interdisciplinary research fellowship housed at the headquarters of the Academy in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Its purpose is to stimulate and support scholarly work by promising scholars and practitioners in the early stages of their careers and to foster exchange between an emerging generation of scholars and Academy members with shared interests. Preference is given to untenured junior faculty but the program is also open to qualified postdocs. Candidates who are completing scholarly manuscripts are especially welcome. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or have permanent resident status as of the application deadline date and should have completed their Ph.D., J.D, or equivalent professional training within the last 10 years. Graduate student applicants must complete all degree requirements by August 1, 2013. Faculty can receive up to $60,000 (not to exceed one-half of current salary). Postdocs receive an annual stipend of up to $40,000.
URL: http://www.amacad.org/visiting.aspx
Length: Two years
As part of an effort to promote a diversity of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences among its faculty as set forth in the University of Chicago Diversity Statement, the University of Chicago invites nominations and applications for the Provost's Career Enhancement Postdoctoral Scholarship (PCEPS).
This year the Office of the Provost will award two 2-year postdoctoral scholarships to promising junior scholars in all fields. Candidates must have completed all requirements for their doctoral degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., or foreign equivalent) before the scholarship start date, and must be no more than three years beyond receiving that degree. Individuals currently holding a postdoctoral or faculty position at the University of Chicago are not eligible.
Successful candidates will be selected on the basis of academic achievement, scholarly promise, potential to add to the diversity of the University community, and the likelihood that the individual may become a qualified and competitive candidate for a faculty position at the University of Chicago upon the completion of the Scholarship. Each cohort of PCEPS holders will include at least one scholar whose research furthers the mission of the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture.
In addition to pursuing their research, Scholars will teach one quarter-long course in their field for each year in which they hold a postdoctoral scholarship.
Individuals may become candidates by completing an application on this site. Any member of the University of Chicago faculty may nominate a candidate who then must apply to the program. Although a University of Chicago nomination will be considered one of the three required recommendations for that applicant, a nomination or recommendation by a member of the University of Chicago faculty is not required. Faculty members at other institutions should encourage promising candidates to apply directly using this site, and may provide a recommendation on behalf of the candidate.
URL: http://provostpostdoc.uchicago.edu/