April 2013: January 2013 Archives


Deadline: April 1, 2013


Length: 6-9 months


Eligibility Requirements: Must have a doctorate degree in history or in a closely related field, or be enrolled as a student (having completed all coursework) in a doctoral degree-granting program. A stipend of up to $20,000 depending on fellowship term.


Program Description: At least one fellowship is awarded yearly to a postdoctoral scholar engage in advanced research in any aspect of the history of aerospace from the earliest human interest in flight to the present. Fellowship term is 6 to 9 months and the fellow is required to be in residency at NASA headquarter or one of the NASA centers.


For More Information: Fellowship in Aerospace History American Historical Association 400 A Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003

(202) 544-2422




Deadline: April 1, 2013 

Comments: Must have received PhD within 7 years of award date from a U.S. university, and currently be teaching at a North American university. Book must have been published in English within the last 7 years.Stipend of $1,000, certificate, and travel expenses to the annual meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools.For scholarly contribution made through a published book. Must be nominated by UCLA.
Deadline: 4/1/2013 for PhD study in Asia, Australia, North America, or the Middle East.

Comments: The Open Society Foundations offers supplementary grants to students from select countries in Southeastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Mongolia, the Middle East/North Africa, and South Asia. The program enables qualified students to pursue doctoral studies in the humanities and social sciences at accredited universities in Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America.Only applicants with confirmed financial support from additional sources will receive supplementary grants. Only students who have been accepted into or are currently enrolled in a full-time doctoral (Ph.D.) program at an accredited university are eligible to apply. Students at any stage of their Ph.D. programs may apply. Grants will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence, merits of the proposed research, commitment to bringing about positive social change in home country or region,applicant's long term goals, and financial need. Awards range from $1,000 to $10,000.

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