October 2013: November 2012 Archives

Deadline: Fellowship applications are distributed to designated universities in October. January 3, 2013 Campus Deadline

Length: One Year, renewable up to three years total

Comment: Liebmann Fellowships are to be awarded to doctoral students at any stage of their programs who have outstanding undergraduate records, can demonstrate financial need, and are U.S. citizens. The fellowships cover the costs of tuition and will provide a stipend of $18,000, in order that the fellow may devote full time to his or her program of study. Awards are renewable and can fund students for a maximum of three years, although fellows must request renewal funds for each subsequent year. Awards will be announced in late spring.

URL: http://foundationcenter.org/grantmaker/liebmann/index.html

PLEASE NOTE: You must apply for this fellowship through your department. Each department may nominate one student to the University's selection committee. The selection committee will select three nominations from the University to the Liebmann Fund. Instructions will be emailed through departments in late fall.

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