Dissertation Write-Up: November 2010 Archives

Deadline: 12/15/2010

Length: One year

Comments: In order to encourage such scholars to consider college rather than university teaching, Kenyon College offers the Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship. The program is for scholars in the final stages of their doctoral work who need only to finish the dissertation to complete requirements for the Ph.D.

Kenyon will provide a stipend of $32,500, plus health benefits, housing, and a small moving allowance. The College will also provide some allowance to cover research, travel to conferences and professional expenses. The Fellow is expected to write the dissertation and to teach one course each semester, usually in the Fellow's general research area. Eligibility to apply for the Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship is limited to those meeting all of the following four criteria who are citizens or nationals of the United States:

  • Members of underrepresented groups (e.g., ethnic minorities; women in fields that attract mostly men, or men in fields that attract mostly women; and persons who are first-generation college attendees).
  • Individuals who are enrolled in a research-based Ph.D. program in one of the following fields: African and African American Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Art, Art History, Asian Studies, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Classics, Dance, Drama, Economics, English, Environmental Studies, History, Humanities, International Studies, Legal Studies, Mathematics, Modern Languages and Literature, Music, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Public Policy, Psychology, Religious Studies, Scientific Computing, Sociology, and Women's and Gender Studies.
  • Individuals who aspire to a teaching and research career.
URL: http://www.kenyon.edu/x27112.xml

Deadline: November 15, 2010 (note date change!)

Length: One academic year

Comments: Two overall goals exist: (1) to enable two outstanding African American doctoral candidates (at the ABD level) to devote their full energies to the completion of the dissertation; and (2) to provide an opportunity for African American scholars at the beginning of their academic careers to experience life at a major Catholic research university. The fellowship carries with it a $30,000 stipend and $2000 research budget. Fellows have access to all university facilities and are provided office space, use of a personal computer, an official academic home in the department of the Fellow's specialization, and access to a faculty mentor in the fellow's discipline. Fellows also participate in professional development workshops focused on employment strategies and career development.

URL: http://africana.nd.edu/erskine/

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