Dissertation Year-Long Research: January 2013 Archives


Deadline: March 8, 2013


Length: 1 yr.


Eligibility Requirements: Must be affiliated with a university in the United States. Stipend Maximum award is $25,000.


Program Description: Grants for support dissertation and postdoctoral research projects on the Republic of Turkey (post-1922) in a comparative context. A significant portion of the project should be devoted to one or more states or political entities in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia in addition to the Turkish Republic. Research can be carried out in the United States and abroad. Grants provide up to one academic year of support.


For More Information: Institute of Turkish Studies Intercultural Center - Box 571033 Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057-1033

(202) 687-0295




Deadline: 3/15/13

Length: 2 month - 1 year

Comments:Inaugurated in 1986, the Capitol Fellowship Program has provided financial support to more than fifty scholars researching important topics in the art and architectural history of the United States Capitol Complex. Fellowship support permits scholars--selected on the basis of their qualifications and research proposals--to use the extensive documents housed in the Office of the Architect of the Capitol, the Library of Congress and the National Archives. Graduate Students enrolled in a degree program in art or architectural history, American history, American studies, museum studies, or decorative arts, and scholars with a proven record of research and publication may apply. The proposed topic must directly relate to some elements of art or architecture within the United States Capitol complex: the Capitol, the congressional office buildings, the Library of Congress buildings, the Supreme Court buildings, and the Botanic Garden.  Depending upon the scope of the proposal, the fellowship may be requested for a minimum of one month and a maximum of one year. The fellowship amount is $2,500 per month, up to a maximum of $30,000 for a full year, pending the availability of funding.

URL: http://www.uschs.org/Content/72.htm
Deadline: February 1, 2013 

Length: 9 months

Comments: Fellowships will be awarded for nine-month terms to facilitate research and scholarly inquiry into the histories and cultures of North America and the Caribbean before 1850, with a particular but not exclusive emphasis on the mid Atlantic region. While no teaching is required, all McNeil Center fellows are expected to be in residence during the academic year and to participate in the Center's program of seminars and other activities.A stipend of $21000 payable in monthly installments. Limited travel funds for research are also available. Fellows will also receive office space, library and computer access.
Deadline: 2/22/2013

Length: 1 year

Comments: In honor of the late Joseph L. Fisher, president of Resources for the Future (RFF) from 1959-1974, RFF will award fellowships for the coming academic year in support of doctoral dissertation research on issues related to the environment, natural resources, or energy. RFF's primary research disciplines are economics and other social sciences. Proposals originating in these fields will have the greatest likelihood of success. This fellowship is intended to be the principal source of support for graduate students in the final year of their dissertation research. Fellowship candidates must have completed the preliminary examinations for their doctorate prior to the application deadline. This requirement will be strictly enforced. The fellowships carry a stipend of $18,000 for the 2011-2012 academic year. 

URL: http://www.rff.org/About_RFF/Pages/JosephLFisherDoctoralDissertationFellowships.aspx

Deadline: February 1, 2013


Length: 1 yr.


Eligibility Requirements: Preference is given to PhD candidates and other scholars completing dissertations or books on twentieth century politics and governance. Stipends up to $20,000.


Program Description: Up to eight grants are awarded for scholars to conduct dissertation research on twentieth century politics and governance. Fellows are

funded for one year of research and writing.


For More Information: Miller Center National Fellowship Program Miller Center of Public Affairs 2201 Old Ivy Rd P.O. Box 400406 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4406

(434) 243-8726




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This page is a archive of entries in the Dissertation Year-Long Research category from January 2013.

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