UC SAGE Challenge: Your chance to be an innovator

Who won the first Nobel Prize at UChicago? Who was the first student to sit on the vents outside the Reg in the winter? Who is launching a business based on bugs as a food source? As these examples are constantly showing us—UChicago is one innovative place.
So if you feel like you fit in around here and innovation is your thing, there’s no better way to test that theory (and see how it works in practice) than with the University’s first UC SAGE Challenge. Grab four or six of your most innovative friends/future partners and brainstorm ideas for a sustainable initiative on campus. You have five months to develop your proposal and could win $2,000 to make a real impact. This is your opportunity to build partnerships, network, and see that project you’ve been thinking of for years through to fruition. You’ll remember the first time you read this, years down the road, when you’re CEO of the multi-million dollar company that started from the UC SAGE Challenge. Graduate students and undergraduates in the College are encouraged to partner together and must register for the challenge by November 30th. Learn more about the UC SAGE challenge here. Best of luck!
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