Events: November 2011 Archives

Question: What do the following things/activities have in common: face painting, baked beans, pep band, football, and composting?

Answer: They were all part of UChicago Homecoming on October 22nd.

This year, composting made its debut at the University's annual Homecoming celebration, thanks to the combined efforts of UChicago Dining Aramark and Green Campus Initiative. Guests were encouraged to bring their plates, cups, utensils and any extra food to a compost station near the food service area. Sorting the compost was mostly a breeze, because all of the tableware was compostable, including the "plastic" cups made from--you guessed it!--corn.

After three hours of sorting compost and schmoozing with parents, student volunteers and UChicago Dining Aramark staff diverted approximately one third of the total waste at Homecoming that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill. Compost collection was generally a success, because in addition to posting ample amounts of signage, volunteers also coordinated with the Homecoming announcer to help advertise.

Next year, when Homecoming rolls around, event planners hope to make an even bigger impact by:

  1. Eliminating pesky condiment wrappers, which are not compostable, not recyclable, and not easy to spot when wrapped in a wad of napkins.
  2. Utilizing water coolers only. (Bottled water can be kept hidden away for emergencies.)
  3. Siting the compost station in a more visible area, or adding a second composting station.
  4. Eliminating trash cans altogether!

Homecoming 2011 was a big step in the right direction, and we can expect bigger, better, and greener things next year. A big thanks to UChicago Dining Aramark and GCI volunteers for making such an outstanding commitment to sustainability!

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GCI volunteer helps Homecoming attendee with composting.

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Homecoming also featured sustainable water coolers.

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A UChicago Dining Aramark Composting Station on Stagg Field.

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Bags of compost, diverted from landfills and destined to become certified organic compost!

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