Diversity: January 2013 Archives

Deadline: February 1, 2013 

Length: 3 - 10 wks 

Comments: 3 programs are available throughout the year for students interested in undertaking projects or research in Native American studies.Must be a graduate Native American student who is formally or informally related to a Native American community.Stipends are $550 per week.

Deadline: February 1, 2013

Length: 1 yr.

Comments: Dartmouth College invites applications for the Cesar Chavez / Charles A. Eastman / Thurgood Marshall Dissertation Fellowships from US citizens who plan careers in college or university teaching.  The goal of the Chavez / Eastman / Marshall fellowship program  is to promote student and faculty diversity at Dartmouth, and throughout higher education, by supporting completion of the doctorate by underrepresented minority scholars (including African-American, Latina/o, and Native American scholars) and other graduate scholars with a demonstrated commitment and ability to advance educational diversity. The Fellowships support graduate scholars for a year-long residency at Dartmouth that generally runs from September through August.  Three Fellowships will be awarded. Each Fellowship provides a stipend of $25,000, office space, library privileges, and a $2,500 research assistance fund.

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~gradstdy/funding/fellowships/cem.html

Deadline: March 1, 2013

Length: 1 yr. 

Comment: The University of Connecticut is pleased to announce a call for applications for the first Pre-doctoral In-Residence Fellowship to advance diversity in higher education. The program will support scholars from other universities while they complete their dissertation or post-MFA study for the term of an academic year. Fellows will have access to outstanding resources, faculty expertise, mentoring and other professional development opportunities. The Asian American Studies Institute, Institute for African American Studies, Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean and Latin American Studies, and the Women?s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies Program will each host one fellow in-residence per year, for a total of four fellowships awarded annually. Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD program or be within one year post-MFA in the liberal arts and sciences, fine arts, or education at a school other than UConn; be conducting research in an area that can contribute to any of the following: Asian American Studies; African American Studies; Latina/o, Caribbean and Latin American Studies; or Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies; have passed their PhD qualifying examination and be in either the research or writing phase of an approved dissertation or in the case of post-MFA have a project to be completed within the term of a year; have a demonstrated commitment to the advancement of diversity and to increasing opportunities for underrepresented or disadvantaged groups.Stipend of $27,000, medical and dental benefits, office space, library privileges, and computer access. A research/travel budget of $3,000 is also included.

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