City as Laboratory

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Speaking as a future former student of the University, I'm already feeling nostalgia for the seventh-week thrill of seeing new courses populate the timeschedules. These courses haven't necessarily signed on to participate with Chicago Studies, but to study Chicago they seem like a good bet!

From the anthropology department:
ANTH 21312 Whiteness & Power: Critical Perspectives on Race, Class, & Privilege in the US, Andrew Graan
ANTH 34000 Intro to Chicago Anthropology (staff)

From the comparative race studies department:
CRPC 27200 African-American History to 1877, Thomas Holt
CRPC 27301  Intro to Black Chicago, 1895-2005, Adam Green
CRPC 28112 Asian Americans & The Legacies of War, Theresa Mah

From the economics department:
ECON 22200 Topics:American History, David W Galenson

From the English department:
ENGL 22814 Contemporary Native American Literature, Marie Satya McDonough
ENGL 25923 Geographis of Modernism, Jonathan Geltner
ENGL 28919 Modern Literature: Diaspora/Homecoming, Jan Schwarz

From the environmental studies department:
ENST 24701 U.S. Environmental Policy, Raymond Lodato
ENST 26100 Roots of Modern American City, Michael Conzen

From the gender studies department:
GNDR 21902 Women in American Jewish History, Sarah Imhoff

From the geography department:
GEOG 27601 History Colloquium: Hyde Park & Chicago's South Side as Historic Laboratory, Kathleen Conzen

From the history department:
HIST 47501 Paris and Chicago, 1870-1930, Jan Goldstein and Kathleen Conzen

From the philosophy department:
PHIL 22209 Philosophies of Environmentalism & Sustainability, Barton Schultz

From the public policy department:
PBPL 24800 Urban Policy Analysis, Terry Clark

From the sociology department:
SOCI 20103 Social Stratification, Ross Stolzenberg
SOCI 20184 Political Culture, Social Capital, and The Arts, Terry Clark
SOCI 30303 Urban Landscape As Social Text

In your ideal schedule (one where you've finished your core), which would you take?


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