"Whatever you make...that's what the Heartland is"

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UChicago students and filmographers searched for the "Heartland" in the mural beneath the 56th St. Metra Stop, on nearby train tracks and with college friends for the Heartland in 60 Seconds video contest...and here's what they found.

M. Div. student Gene Fojtik won first place, third-year in the College Justin Staple took second, and second-year in the College Alexandra Perez took third.

Did you miss your chance to submit a video in the first round? All students, faculty and staff are invited to submit more videos b Jan. 7, 2010 to  compete in the Audience Favorite category.

Are you a creative writer with more to say about the Heartland? The "Heart of Chicago Writing Contest" co-sponsored by the Creative Writing Department, has extended its submission deadline to Nov. 30, 2009. Email katesoto@uchicago.edu to submit your stories.


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Asian chat said:

I like The Sessions: Justin Staple. I've been chatting with my friends and ask them which they like. They said that the first one deserve to be the first.

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