Haiti Earthquake Response - UCMC

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University of Chicago Medical Center's Haiti Earthquake Response

To: All UCMC & BSD Staff
From: Carolyn Wilson, RN, COO
Funmi Olopade, MD, Associate Dean for Global Health

We continue to work closely with the University and various relief agencies to gather resources for the people of Haiti and to assist those of you who want to contribute your clinical skills directly or through generous donations to the overall relief effort.
Medical Assistance in Haiti

A group of 12 UCMC staff (surgeons, anesthesiologists, emergency medicine physicians, and nurses) is preparing to travel to Haiti, or possibly the Dominican Republic, in partnership with a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in the region. Deployment will happen as soon as we receive the go-ahead from one of our NGO partners.

At this time, medical relief agencies can only accommodate volunteers with significant surgical or trauma training and experience. They are seeking: surgeons, especially trauma or orthopedic surgeons; full surgical teams, including anesthesiologists, scrub and post-op nurses, and nurse anesthetists; and emergency medicine doctors and nurses.

Since we anticipate continued need for medical professionals in trauma-related fields going to Haiti on a rotating basis, we encourage others who are interested in contributing to this effort to please email us at haitianrelief@uchospitals.edu. Emergency medicine physicians Chrissy Babcock and Christian Theodosis can also provide guidance to medical personnel searching for the best way to play a role in this crucial medical and humanitarian effort. Please note that the work time spent away from the Medical Center serving in this Haitian relief effort will be fully compensated.

If you are a medical professional in one of those fields interested in offering your service, please include the following information:

* Clinical specialty
* Emergency/post-catastrophe experience
* Language skills (especially French or Creole) and level of ability
* Your availability--dates and length of time

Financial Assistance

The University of Chicago Medical Center has agreed to match gifts by Medical Center and University employees and faculty to the Haiti disaster relief fund up to a total of $250,000. Funds collected though this system will be donated to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. In order to make a gift that is eligible for this match--which doubles the value of your contribution--please follow these instructions carefully.

To make a gift online:

* Go to http://alumniandfriends.uchicago.edu and select the Give Now box (below the big picture).
* On the next page, select the Give Now button again to be taken to the Make a Gift Online form.
* Under Your Gift, go to the Area of Giving drop-down menu. Select Other, which is the last selection available at the bottom of the list.
* Complete the form in its entirety, including each line of the billing information section. Please do not check the box that states "Same as contact information."
* In the box labeled Comment, under Special Instructions, please type in "Haiti Relief."
* You will receive an electronic confirmation message from the University, and a receipt that can be used for tax purposes will be sent to you via U.S. Mail. You will also be sent periodic email updates about the University of Chicago Medical Center's efforts to help the victims of the disaster in Haiti including updates about contributions made to the Disaster Relief Fund and matching gifts made as a result of your contributions.

To make a gift via U.S. Mail:

Please make you check payable to the University of Chicago and write "Haiti Relief" in the memo section.

Your check can be mailed to:

Disaster Relief Fund
University of Chicago
1427 East 60th Street, Suite 120
Chicago, IL 60637

A receipt that can be used for tax purposes will be sent to you via U.S. Mail.

As an alternative, the University Community Service Center has assembled a Web page with guidance for those interested in donating to the relief effort and links to international relief organizations. That page, as well as the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs Web page, has information on student-led initiatives. As new efforts arise, those will be added to the lists.


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