Social Justice Potluck Starts Off Thanksgiving Holiday

As we approach Thanksgiving Day, food seems to more often find its way into any and every conversation. This was not the case at Chicago Studies' first Social Justice Potluck for the academic year, but food did play a very important role. The theme at the launch event, which happened Tuesday evening on November 22nd, was "Soup and Bread". Inspired by The Hideout's Soup and Bread, where the north side bar holds weekly potlucks, Chicago Studies, in collaboration with the University Community Service Center, invited students to the Center to discuss social justice campaigns and community-building opportunities over some yummy soup, salad and bread courtesy of the Medici.
During the get together students talked about a wide array of issues including the south side trauma center campaign, policies regarding protesting, and the global Occupy Movement. A chill group of around 12 students and staff members who came to participate and relax before the holiday break rolls and more important the rush of studying that comes with final exams. They came from a variety of backgrounds and RSOs including SOUL, Student Health Equity and an exciting and possibly up-and-coming group called The Freedom Project. The group covered a lot of opinions over the course of the evening. Questions were raised, for example, about the disciplinary process involved in protesting policies and the effect of social media on the physical protesting in the streets. Listening to the multitude of perspectives on these topics is a refreshing experience. It's always humbling to witness civically and socially engaged students in action here at UChicago.
This potluck is a part of an event series that will run throughout the academic year. The goal is to generate discussion on socially and civically important issues and the launch certainly accomplished that. Individuals will gather to discuss specific themes generated though readings or simple curiosity and probing. The potluck will also become a great venue for collaboration amongst activists though sharing experiences and telling their stories. Chicago Studies is looking forward to many more refreshing events like this potluck launch event and hope that students are too.
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