Event: April 2009 Archives

The University campus is bustling with Earth Week activity. Many of these events challenge the traditional boundaries of environmentalism, expanding the definition of sustainability. One such event was Monday night's "Sustainable Sex: An Information Orgy." This exploration of queer- and eco-friendly sex practices explored "green sex," touching on topics as varied as vegan lube, organic aphrodisiacs, and eco-safe sex toys. Third year Dave Klein attended the event and said he appreciated "the creative approach to integrating environmentalism into a facet of life where it usually isn't a concern."
Coming up on Thursday, students from Green Campus Initiative have organized a vermiculture workshop. Attendees will learn how to maintain a self-sufficient compost bin that's a perfect fit for students who have small kitchens and a potted plant or two.
Thursday evening, the Feminist Majority will lead an Alternative Menstrual Products teach-in, sharing information about products like the Diva Cup, Luna Pads, sea sponges, and other reusable, healthy alternatives to disposable tampons and pads.
What is common to all of these events (aside from the fact that my mother would be aghast at any of them) is an imaginative approach to taking personal responsibility for environmental consciousness. Check out the Chicago Studies Calendar for more events!
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