Plans for Drinking Beer With Friends

free beer_resized.jpg

By Jenn Sichel
University of Chicago PhD student and Smart curatorial intern

This fall, I met with Tom Marioni to make plans to drink beer.

Below you can see a few of his very detailed plans for his installation of The Act of Drinking Beer With Friends is the Highest Form of Art.  As a part of Feast, the Smart Museum's Bernstein Gallery will be transformed into a space for drinking free beer with friends -- replete with a bar, table, refrigerator, yellow lighting, and a shelf that will hold exactly 8 cases (192 bottles) of beer.




About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Sarah Beth Mendelsohn published on November 9, 2011 11:00 AM.

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Japanese Potters Visit the Smart Museum Ceramic Collection is the next entry in this blog.

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Blog Description

This is an informal curatorial research blog for Feast: Radical Hospitality in Contemporary Art, an exhibition about the meal as a medium for contemporary artists. The exhibition opens at the University of Chicago’s Smart Museum of Art in February 2012.