International Dinner Party 2012
"Have a dinner on March 14, and celebrate a woman who has made a contribution in your own home or your own community."
International Dinner Party 2012
Wednesday, March 14
Host a dinner, spread the word!
On the anniversary of Suzanne Lacy's landmark participatory performance International Dinner Party (1979), the artist and the Smart invite you to host a dinner party in your home that honors a woman from your area. For the original performance, Lacy engaged with women around the globe through some 200 dinners that took place over 24 hours across Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America. A giant map marking the location of the dinners plus an archive of telegrams, letters, and photos from participants are now on view at the Smart as part of Feast.
This time, we invite you to share your stories and images with us on Facebook. (Or you can mail or e-mail them to the Smart). Include who you are, who you are honoring, and any other message you would like posted for women to read.