Brett Baker: June 2013 Archives

Deadline: August 1, 2013

Length: 3 to 20 months

Comments: Postdoctoral/early career grants are open to U.S. scholars who have recently completed their doctoral degrees typically within the five previous years. Grant lengths for postdoctoral and early career awards vary, from 3 to 20 months, depending on the country. Scholars will be expected to engage with graduate students in the host country and to be involved with host university training in cutting edge research in their specializations. In addition to primary research or teaching activities, postdoctoral and early career scholars will give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host country academic community. Stipend varies depending on grant length and country.

Deadline: August 30, 2013

Length: 3 yrs.

Comments: The Postdoctoral Fellowship for Academic Diversity Program is a multiyear competitive program whose goal is to increase the diversity of the community of scholars devoted to academic research. We seek to attract promising researchers and educators from different backgrounds, races, ethnic groups, and other diverse populations whose life experience, research experience and employment background will contribute significantly to the academic mission. Fellowships are available for postdoctoral training in all areas of study at Penn. Successful candidates will receive mentored scholarly and research training as well as courses and workshops to enhance their research success skills and prepare them for a faculty position in a major university.Open to graduate students from PENN and other institutions who have completed, or will complete, their requirements for Ph.D. by the Fellowship start date; postdoctoral scholars from other institutions who have completed their dissertation within the last three years; professional applicants (M.D., D.M.D., V.M.D., J.D., etc) within a year of completing their post-degree professional training.Stipend of $43,000 in year 1 with $2,000 increments in years 2 and 3. Also annual allowances for travel ($2,000) and research ($5,000), and one-time $5,000 relocation expense. The University also provides medical, vision, dental & life insurance.

Deadline: July 31, 2013 

Length: 5 yrs.

Comments: Awards for young scientists and scholars to carry out high-level and innovative research in Germany. Funds provide five years of support. Female researchers are encouraged. 
Must have earned a doctoral degree with distinction in the last years and have been published academic publications in internationally reviewed journals and/or publishing houses.
Stipend of EUR 1.65 Million (approximately $1,488,239) over five years.

Deadline: September 1, 2013 

Length: 12 months 

Comments:Postdoctoral fellowships to encourage international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern, and to foster interest in long-range policy relevant topics. Program seeks to promote intellectual cooperation between Japanese and American academic and professional communities.Must hold a PhD or have attained an equivalent level of professional experience. Fellows are expected to affiliate with an American or Japanese institution appropriate to their research aims. Previous language training is not a prerequisite.Flexible support provided for up to 12 months.

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Brett Baker in June 2013.

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