Recently in March 2011 Category
Length: 1 Year
Comments: The NORTH AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON BRITISH STUDIES DISSERTATION YEAR FELLOWSHIP is awarded to support dissertation research in the British Isles on any topic of British (including Scottish, Irish and Imperial) history or British Studies. The Fellowship consists of a $8,000 stipend. The runner-up will receive a $3,000 travel grant. Each advisor may nominate one candidate, who should be a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or Canada, enrolled in a Ph.D. program in a U.S. or Canadian institution, and who has, at the time of application, completed all degree requirements save the dissertation. You should contact your department regarding departmental nomination.
Length: One year
Comments: For graduate students in the social sciences or the humanities, who have completed all the requirements for the Ph.D., except their dissertation by March 2011. These grants are for advanced students who have finished the research stage of their dissertation. Stipends range from $5,000 to $10,000.
Length: 3 months
Comments: The Behavioral Sciences Student Fellowship stimulates individuals to pursue careers in epilepsy in either research or practice settings. Appropriate fields include sociology, social work, psychology, anthropology, nursing, economics, vocational rehabilitation, counseling, political science, and others relevant to epilepsy research or practice. Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. ($3,000 stipend)
Length: 9 months
Comments: Since 1978, nearly 200 advanced graduate students from dozens of universities across North America and Europe have received dissertation fellowships from the McNeil Center. At least eight new fellows will be appointed for the 2011-2012 academic year, most with nine-month stipends of $20,000. Fellows receive office space in the Center's magnificent building on the University of Pennsylvania's campus and library, computer, and other privileges at the University. Limited travel funds for research are also available. While no teaching is required for most fellowships, all McNeil Center fellows are expected to be in residence in Philadelphia during the academic year and to participate regularly in the Center's program of seminars and other activities.
Length: 1 year
Comments: The Atlas Society (TAS) plans to provide one or more scholarships for graduate students for the 2011-2012 academic year. TAS will offer up to a maximum of $11,000 annually in living expenses and tuition and fees. Graduate scholarships support qualified students pursuing advanced degrees in philosophy and closely related fields, including history, political theory, psychology, and cognitive science. The goal of this program is to aid students with long-term scholarly interests in Ayn Rand and Objectivism to complete their degree programs and begin taking part in teaching, researching, and writing on a professional basis.
Length: Up to two years
Comments: Individuals who have recently earned their doctoral degrees are invited to apply for a unique fellowship experience which combines working on cutting-edge ETS research projects and conducting independent research that is relevant to ETS' goals. The fellowship is carried out in the ETS offices in Princeton, N.J. The Postdoctoral Fellowship Program seeks to significantly increase the involvement of highly skilled individuals in research and development in the fields listed below.
- educational measurement and psychometrics
- validity
- natural language processing and speech technologies
- cognitive psychology
- learning theory
- linguistics and computational linguistics
- teaching and classroom research
- statistics
- assessment design and development
Length: One year
In 1976, the Feris Foundation of America established the Gallatin Fellowships in honor of Geneva native and distinguished U.S. statesman Albert Gallatin to support advanced doctoral candidates in international studies to complete their studies either at the Graduate Institute for International Studies (for U.S. students) or at an appropriate U.S. university (for Graduate Institute students). The terms of the Gallatin fellowship are as follows: a stipend of $26,000 (US) for the academic year as well as free trans-Atlantic travel (one round-trip). U.S. citizens and permanent residents enrolled in a U.S. doctoral institution are eligible to use the Gallatin Fellowship to study at the Graduate Institute while doctoral candidates at the Graduate Institute are eligible to use the Fellowship to study at an appropriate US institution. The Gallatin Fellowship is intended for advanced work on the doctoral dissertation in the broad field of international affairs and is open as to discipline.
University of California White Mountain Research Station Graduate Student Research Minigrant Program
Length: One year
Applicants may be part of a faculty member's research project or team, but the project should be independent from that of the senior research worker. University faculty members are intended to direct the research of the student, but it is expected that students will submit for publication a single- or senior-author manuscript from their WMRS-supported research with WMRS in the by-line. Awardees are expected to be in residence for some part of their research at the Station so they can interact with other researchers and students. Awardees are also strongly encouraged to participate in a public outreach activity to share their research at the annual WMRS open house or seminar.
Length: 2-6 months
Comments:Fellowships honor the memory of Henry Belin du Pont, a founding trustee and long-time supporter of Hagley. The Henry Belin du Pont Memorial Fund supports access to and use of Hagley's research collections. These fellowships are intended to support serious scholarly work. They enable scholars to pursue advanced research and study in the library, archival, and artifact collections of the Hagley Museum and Library. Applicants must be from out of state and preference will be given to those whose travel costs to Hagley will be higher. Fellows are expected to participate in seminars which meet periodically, as well as attend noontime colloquia, lectures, and other public programs offered during their tenure Hagley Museum and Library collects, preserves, and interprets the unfolding history of American enterprise. Hagley's collections document the interaction between business and the cultural, social, and political dimensions of our society from the late 18th century to the present.
Low-cost accommodations may be available on the museum grounds. Stipends are for a minimum of two months and a maximum of six months at no more that $1,600 per month.
URL: September 1, 2010; January 6, 2011; March 9, 2011
Length: 1 year
Comments: AERA invites education-related dissertation proposals using NCES, NSF, and other federal data bases. Dissertation Grants are available for advanced doctoral students and are intended to support the student while writing the doctoral dissertation. Applications are encouraged from a variety of disciplines, such as but not limited to, education, sociology, economics, psychology, demography, statistics, and psychometrics. The research project must include the analysis of data from at least one of the large-scale, nationally or internationally representative data sets such as those supported by NCES, NSF, and the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the National Institutes of Health. Applicants should be advanced doctoral students at the dissertation writing stage. Underrepresented minority researchers are strongly encouraged to apply. Awards for Dissertation Grants are up to $20,000 for 1-year projects. Grants are not renewable.