Recently in January 2012 Category

Deadline: January 15, 2012


Length: 3-12 months


Comments: Fellowships in Latino Studies are offered by the Smithsonian Institution to provide opportunities for U.S. Latino/a predoctoral students and postdoctoral and senior investigators to conduct research related to U.S. Latino history, art and culture in association with members of the Smithsonian professional research staff, and utilizing the resources of the Institution.  Applicants must propose to conduct research related to U.S. Latino history, art or culture at one or more of the Smithsonian museums or research institutes, in one or more of its areas of research, as outlined in the publication, Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study.  Tenure periods are three to twelve months.  Up to one third of the fellowship tenure may be spent away from the Smithsonian conducting research at another institution or in the field (but not at the applicant's home institution).

Deadline: January 15, 2012


Length: 3-12 months


Comments: Open to students working on doctoral dissertation.  Twelve month fellowships will provide an annual stipend of $55,000.  The Fellowship is a competitive nine- to twelve-month in-residence fellowship intended for the analysis of major trends, developments, and accomplishments in the history of aviation or space studies. The fellowship is open to all interested candidates with demonstrated skills in research and writing. An advanced degree in history, engineering, or related fields is not a requirement. An annual stipend of $55,000 will be awarded for a 12-month fellowship, with limited additional funds for travel and miscellaneous expenses.

Deadline: January 2, 2012

Length: One year

Five College Fellowships offer year-long residencies for doctoral students completing dissertations. The program supports scholars from under-represented groups and/or scholars with unique interests and histories whose engagement in the Academy will enrich scholarship and teaching. This year we expect to award four fellowships for 2012-13.

Each Fellow will be hosted within an appropriate department or program at Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College or Smith College. (At Smith, recipients hold a Mendenhall Fellowship.) Applications are to the program, not to a specific hosting campus.

This is a residential fellowship. Fellows are provided research and teaching mentors and connected through the consortial office to resources and scholars across the five campuses, which include UMass Amherst. The office also supports meetings of the Fellows throughout the year.

The fellowship includes a $30,000 stipend, a research grant, health benefits, office space, housing or housing assistance, and library privileges at all five campuses belonging to the consortium.

While the award places primary emphasis on completion of the dissertation, most fellows teach at their hosting institution, but never more than a single one-semester course.


To apply: Application is online through the Human Resources office at Smith College, which has agreed to administer this search on behalf of the Consortium. 
Click here for instructions on how to apply.

Term of Fellowship: August 31, 2012 to May 31, 2013 (non-renewable)

Stipend: $30,000

Review of Applications Begins: January 2, 2012

Awards Announced: March, 2012

Deadline: January 15, 2012

Length: 1 year

Comments: The Center offers 3 dissertation fellowships each year.  One, funded by the National Museum of the U.S. Army, is designed to support dissertations that explore the material culture of the Army; the two others support research in the more general areas of military history in all its many aspects. 

Applicants must be admitted to candidacy, a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and must not have held an equivalent fellowship from any Department of Defense agency.  The award provides a $10,000 stipend and access to the Center.

Deadline: January 6, 2012

Length: two years

Comments:The Society for the Humanities will sponsor two postdoctoral teaching-research fellowships in the humanities, each awarded for the two-year period beginning July 2012. Each fellowship offers a stipend of $45,000/year. While in residence at Cornell, Mellon Fellows hold department affiliations and have limited teaching duties and the opportunity for scholarly work. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships are available in two areas of specialization.


Department of Science & Technology Studies

With the sponsorship of the Society for the Humanities, the Department of Science & Technology Studies at Cornell University invites applications for a two-year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship. The department seeks candidates specializing in historical or contemporary studies of science, technology, or medicine to work on the topic of "Difference and Commensuration." There are many contexts where this project might be pursued: for example, post-colonial history of science and technology; new studies of the senses such as sound studies; queer and sexuality studies; disability studies, studies of traditional healing, magical practices, and non-western science and medicine; or global technology studies. We encourage the applicants to be creative and propose their own projects, including those from neighboring fields. A Ph.D. is required in science & technology studies or a related field, such as the history, sociology, philosophy, or anthropology of science.

Department of Theatre, Film and Dance

With the sponsorship of the Society for the Humanities, the Department of Theatre, Film and Dance at Cornell University seeks a two year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in global, transnational, and/or minority performance and media studies. We are particularly interested in individuals whose research engages the intersection of performance and media, the use of media in performance, multiple and nontraditional media and performance platforms, old and new media. We would welcome applicants whose research includes dance and its interracial/intercontinental migration, old and new media representations of those forms and vigorous analysis of the implications for contemporary dance culture. We encourage applicants whose research and teaching explore medial and performative modes of interaction across different cultural contexts, embodied practices, theoretical domains, and historical configurations. Possible fields of specialization include Latina/o, Asian American, African diasporic, or Native performance and media; Latin American, African, South or East Asian performance and media. Teaching responsibilities include two courses a year, one upper-level seminar in the candidate's area of specialization and a lower-level introductory course in the field that could be comparative in nature. In addition, the Mellon Fellow is invited to participate in the Society for the Humanities' events, including weekly seminar luncheons.


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