Recently in Teaching Fellowship Category

Deadline: November 19, 2010

Length: 5-6 weeks

Comments: The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) is offering summer teaching opportunities to graduate students entering the final year of terminal degree and doctoral programs and preparing to be college teachers. These summer teaching positions are available at various PASSHE universities throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Selected scholars will teach and/or co-teach one course during one of the two 5 or 6 week Summer Sessions. The respective dates vary among each university but run from May 2011 thru August 2011. At the discretion of individual campuses, Douglass scholar applications may be considered for full or partial year appointments.  

Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Enrollment into a doctoral program required and ABD or current doctorate degree preferred; academic background in one of the fields taught; and at least three favorable letters of recommendation from faculty or professionals in the student's field, including the student's advisor. Preferred:  experience teaching or as teaching assistant. Scholars will be compensated as adjunct faculty, according to each university's collective bargaining agreement. Scholars may be expected to reside in on-campus residences or housing in an apartment that may be provided at no charge and to participate in campus activities. The appointment is for the scholar alone, not families, and scholars should have their own transportation.


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